In times of uncertainty, art and storytelling have always been lifelines for me. They are a way to process my emotions, be that by merely venting anger and frustration or by seeking solace and hope amidst the chaos. They express what I believe in and stand for, and they cannot be silenced by anyone.
Like many, I am navigating the aftermath of current events; like many, I find myself grappling with feelings of anxiety and a sense of disillusionment. But I also believe that it is in these moments that art and storytelling hold the power to heal and bring on change.
Art, in its many forms, has always reflected the human experience: When words fail, art speaks. It transcends language and cultural barriers, allowing us to connect on a deeper level. In dark times, art becomes the beacon of light capable of guiding us.
In moments like these, I remind myself of the paintings of Vincent van Gogh. Many of his works were created during some of the darkest periods of his life. And yet, they remind me that beauty can be found and created amid, or even in, despair.
More Than Escapism…
Writing has always transported me to different worlds, offering a temporary escape from my own. But it’s not just escapism: One of the main reasons storytelling is so powerful is that it allows us to explore new perspectives, gain insight into the lives of others, and find comfort in shared experiences. Stories foster empathy and compassion. They can make us feel less alone—they remind us that we are part of something bigger than ourselves.
During the Great Depression, people turned to the radio for stories that provided both entertainment and hope. Programs like "The Shadow" offered a sense of adventure and escapism while also reinforcing the values of courage and justice. These stories helped people cope with the harsh realities of their daily lives and offered them a glimmer of hope. The same could be said for stories like “The Lord of the Rings”, which was, by and large, JRR Tolkien’s way to process his experiences of World War I. And by doing that, he has helped millions of people to do the same since.
In the wake of the recent election, many of us are feeling a sense of uncertainty, myself included (despite not being American, but the shift is palpable worldwide and has been for a while). The political climate has left us questioning the direction we are headed. Art allows us to express our emotions in ways that words cannot. It provides a safe space to explore our fears, hopes, and dreams. Whether through painting, music, dance, or any other form of creative expression, art gives us a voice when we feel silenced, be that by others or our own worries and anxieties. It allows us to process our emotions and make sense of the world around us.
Especially storytelling offers a means of connection on top of it. And connection is what we so desperately need when everything seems to be about division. Stories allow us to share our experiences and listen to the views of others. Through storytelling, we can build empathy and understanding, bridging the divides that separate us in a time when the world feels more polarised than ever.
At least that’s what I want to believe. And even if that seems like a pipe dream, stories do hold the power to challenge us—maybe to confront our prejudices, or maybe to fight for a more just and equitable society. In times of darkness, stories remind us of the importance of standing up for what is right.
Art is Resistance
Art is one of the purest forms of resistance in my eyes (I don’t expect everyone to agree). It allows us to challenge the status quo and envision a better future. Through creative expression, we can raise awareness about social issues, inspire change, and also claim space, or give voice to the marginalised where they struggle to do so themselves.
Civil rights movements have always been fuelled by powerful songs. Literal anthems of hope and resilience galvanised whole generations to fight for equality and justice. They remind people that, even in the face of adversity, change is possible.
We need art more than ever. It provides a means of coping with our fears and anxieties, while also inspiring us to take action. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and that we hold the power to create a better future. Little by little, day by day, one step at a time.
Getting Up and Standing Up…
Resistance isn’t one heroic act. It is getting up every day and standing up for what we believe in. It is meeting ourselves and others with compassion. It is using our light to make the life of one person better and let it ripple instead of despairing at the thought we need to illuminate the whole world at once.
I spent a whole weekend writing stories and poetry. And I usually don’t write poems that rhyme, but this one came out that way, and it is what it is. Not incredibly accomplished, never intended to go the way that some of my other written works do, but it is a heartfelt expression of feelings that are stirring inside of me, and that I try to process like many women, and like many mothers of girls…
I fear the world she'll come to know,
Where rights hard-won might ebb and flow.
Will voices strong be silenced, hushed,
Or dreams deferred and spirits crushed?
Yet in her eyes, a spark remains,
A fire that no man contains.
For girls will rise, despite the fray,
Their strength, their light, will find a way.
Though we might fear what lies ahead,
They'll hold to hope, by courage led.
For in their hearts, a strength so true,
And every girl will claim her due.
Engaging in art to process feelings and find the words that otherwise won’t come out might sound self-indulgent and pointless to some, but I believe that we should keep on creating, sharing and listening to the stories that matter.
I believe in the power of using our voices to speak out against injustice, and to envision a world where everyone is valued and respected.
When light is lacking, art and storytelling are not just important—they are essential. They are the literal threads that weave, and hold, us together…
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OMG, now I’m even more CONVINCED after looking at your feed that you need to visit Libre lit. Their second issue is coming out in a couple days and it’s all Plath related. In case you missed my last message, here is the link!